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Fed up with GDPR yet? – Third Party Data Sharing Agreements now available

 Article added: 30/09/2018

The amount of emails and calls about GDPR is endless. On the one hand we have to know this stuff, but on the other hand we want to strangle the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) for taking on board something that is forcing the average business owner to become a compliance expert.

GDPR is complicated for the best of us.

One aspect of GDPR (a big aspect) is controlling your data. If you send your data to another company for any reason such as:

  • Organising a direct mail campaign
  • Cross matching your data with another dataset
  • Getting your data TPS Screened
  • Outsourcing your data management
  • Storing data off-site with a Third Party

Then you need to make sure you have a suitable agreement in place with those companies before you send them your data.

Third Party Data Sharing Agreement

Unfortunately, one of the greatest challenges of GDPR is that if often feels that every transaction has its own unique elements which in turn means it’s very difficult for anyone to create standardised documentation that would cover every situation.

There will be elements (hopefully many) that will be similar enough that once you have your initial agreement, you should be able to create additional agreements based upon it. It’s likely that there will still be a fair amount of work needed though to make the new agreement fit the exact circumstances for its intended purpose.

At TPS Services and TPS Checker we’ve created our own Third Party Data Sharing Agreement to help our clients save some time. If you’d like to view the agreement click the Download The Agreement button.

Take a quick look at our Third Party Data Agreement

TPS Services Richard Kane said:

“This agreement is aimed at saving businesses the trouble of having to create their own agreements to cover the data sharing process when they screen their data with us against the Telephone Preference Service or Corporate Telephone Preference Service registers.

Whether you’re using the User Interface, API or Excel widget, this agreement should satisfy your compliance team and save you some time.”

If your business purchases or sells data then you should read the latest Direct Marketing Guidance 2018 issued by the ICO for a complete explanation of what the ICO expects from companies involved in or buying from the direct marketing industry.
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