The Telephone Preference Service (TPS)

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) register currently contains 16,751,094 numbers.

Below you will see details of the size of the TPS register at the end of each month together with the number of monthly additions and removals.

Whilst the Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) requires businesses to re-register their number every year (which is why you can often see large quantities of numbers coming off the register), the TPS register does not require consumers to re-register at any point and so removals from the TPS tend to be few in numbers.

Total numbers on the TPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the TPS register per month in the last year.

• Numbers Added | • Numbers Removed

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the TPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
24/08/2023 776 14,266 17,109,647 13,490
23/08/2023 664 14,186 17,123,137 13,522
22/08/2023 143 14,321 17,136,659 14,178
21/08/2023 1,653 14,221 17,150,837 12,568
18/08/2023 828 14,338 17,163,405 13,510
17/08/2023 764 14,261 17,176,915 13,497
16/08/2023 648 14,347 17,190,412 13,699
15/08/2023 157 14,236 17,204,111 14,079
14/08/2023 1,382 14,352 17,218,190 12,970
11/08/2023 641 14,337 17,231,160 13,696
10/08/2023 1,398 28,560 17,244,856 27,162
09/08/2023 136 14,261 17,272,018 14,125
07/08/2023 1,585 14,391 17,286,143 12,806
04/08/2023 733 14,305 17,298,949 13,572
03/08/2023 835 14,386 17,312,521 13,551
02/08/2023 652 14,330 17,326,072 13,678
01/08/2023 352 14,317 17,339,750 13,965
31/07/2023 1,300 14,222 17,353,715 12,922
28/07/2023 841 14,396 17,366,637 13,555
27/07/2023 696 14,226 17,380,192 13,530
26/07/2023 674 14,291 17,393,722 13,617
25/07/2023 205 14,422 17,407,339 14,217
24/07/2023 1,803 14,452 17,421,556 12,649
21/07/2023 709 14,276 17,434,205 13,567
20/07/2023 735 14,346 17,447,772 13,611
19/07/2023 195 14,535 17,461,383 14,340
18/07/2023 196 14,341 17,475,723 14,145
17/07/2023 1,635 14,486 17,489,868 12,851
14/07/2023 632 14,292 17,502,719 13,660
13/07/2023 736 14,281 17,516,379 13,545