The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS)

The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) register currently contains 1,312,107 numbers.

Below you will see details of the size of the CTPS register at the end of each month together with the number of monthly additions and removals.

The CTPS requires businesses to re-register their number every year which is why you can often see large quantities of numbers coming off the register unlike the Telephone Preference Services (TPS) register which does not require consumers to re-register at any point.

Total numbers on the CTPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the CTPS register per month in the last year.

• Numbers Added | • Numbers Removed

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the CTPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
22/01/2014 260 20 2,660,773 240
21/01/2014 23 1 2,660,533 22
20/01/2014 661 35 2,660,511 626
17/01/2014 1,056 7 2,659,885 1,049
16/01/2014 874 95 2,658,836 779
15/01/2014 173 242 2,658,057 69
14/01/2014 279 24 2,658,126 255
13/01/2014 2,907 44 2,657,871 2,863
10/01/2014 280 6 2,655,008 274
09/01/2014 259 17 2,654,734 242
08/01/2014 455 88 2,654,492 367
07/01/2014 11 0 2,654,125 11
06/01/2014 305 49 2,654,114 256
03/01/2014 115 1 2,653,858 114
02/01/2014 24 101 2,653,744 77
01/01/2014 52 7 2,653,821 45
31/12/2013 9 1 2,653,776 8
30/12/2013 34 19 2,653,768 15
27/12/2013 2 2 2,653,753 0
26/12/2013 34 0 2,653,753 34
25/12/2013 232 149 2,653,719 83
24/12/2013 6 14 2,653,636 8
23/12/2013 1,276 10 2,653,644 1,266
20/12/2013 634 2 2,652,378 632
19/12/2013 273 17 2,651,746 256
18/12/2013 244 15 2,651,490 229
17/12/2013 56 2 2,651,261 54
16/12/2013 4,510 7 2,651,207 4,503
13/12/2013 1,426 4 2,646,704 1,422
12/12/2013 6,177 12 2,645,282 6,165