The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS)

The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) register currently contains 1,312,107 numbers.

Below you will see details of the size of the CTPS register at the end of each month together with the number of monthly additions and removals.

The CTPS requires businesses to re-register their number every year which is why you can often see large quantities of numbers coming off the register unlike the Telephone Preference Services (TPS) register which does not require consumers to re-register at any point.

Total numbers on the CTPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the CTPS register per month in the last year.

• Numbers Added | • Numbers Removed

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the CTPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
25/09/2023 343 460 1,367,222 117
22/09/2023 7 157 1,367,339 150
21/09/2023 111 111 1,367,489 0
20/09/2023 112 167 1,367,489 55
19/09/2023 59 104 1,367,544 45
18/09/2023 93 328 1,367,589 235
15/09/2023 71 184 1,367,824 113
14/09/2023 163 97 1,367,937 66
13/09/2023 55 102 1,367,871 47
12/09/2023 3 255 1,367,918 252
11/09/2023 200 506 1,368,170 306
07/09/2023 181 3,570 1,368,476 3,389
06/09/2023 75 91 1,371,865 16
05/09/2023 0 76 1,371,881 76
04/09/2023 6,624 1,657 1,371,957 4,967
02/09/2023 7,548 163 1,366,990 7,385
31/08/2023 55 65 1,359,605 10
30/08/2023 13 63 1,359,615 50
29/08/2023 42 56 1,359,665 14
28/08/2023 17,609 726 1,359,679 16,883
25/08/2023 125 121 1,342,796 4
24/08/2023 38 1,603 1,342,792 1,565
23/08/2023 58 63 1,344,357 5
22/08/2023 3 110 1,344,362 107
21/08/2023 118 448 1,344,469 330
18/08/2023 770 4,371 1,344,799 3,601
17/08/2023 49 927 1,348,400 878
16/08/2023 76 1,766 1,349,278 1,690
15/08/2023 4,019 43 1,350,968 3,976
14/08/2023 338 573 1,346,992 235