The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS)

The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) register currently contains 1,315,914 numbers.

Below you will see details of the size of the CTPS register at the end of each month together with the number of monthly additions and removals.

The CTPS requires businesses to re-register their number every year which is why you can often see large quantities of numbers coming off the register unlike the Telephone Preference Services (TPS) register which does not require consumers to re-register at any point.

Total numbers on the CTPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the CTPS register per month in the last year.

• Numbers Added | • Numbers Removed

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the CTPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
03/01/2020 21 10 2,058,756 11
02/01/2020 4 22 2,058,745 18
01/01/2020 34 30 2,058,763 4
31/12/2019 4 21 2,058,759 17
30/12/2019 20 1,044 2,058,776 1,024
27/12/2019 4 5 2,059,800 1
26/12/2019 7 1 2,059,801 6
25/12/2019 217 254 2,059,795 37
24/12/2019 9 93 2,059,832 84
23/12/2019 150 1,081 2,059,916 931
20/12/2019 185 66 2,060,847 119
19/12/2019 91 393 2,060,728 302
18/12/2019 132 221 2,061,030 89
17/12/2019 6 123 2,061,119 117
16/12/2019 335 1,897 2,061,236 1,562
13/12/2019 274 295 2,062,798 21
12/12/2019 344 108 2,062,819 236
11/12/2019 127 64 2,062,583 63
10/12/2019 7 236 2,062,520 229
09/12/2019 278 856 2,062,749 578
06/12/2019 343 8,883 2,063,327 8,540
05/12/2019 151 570 2,071,867 419
04/12/2019 268 99 2,072,286 169
03/12/2019 2 372 2,072,117 370
02/12/2019 327 508 2,072,487 181
29/11/2019 366 121 2,072,668 245
28/11/2019 180 496 2,072,423 316
27/11/2019 187 1,406 2,072,739 1,219
25/11/2019 4,599 674 2,073,958 3,925
22/11/2019 221 358 2,070,033 137